David Milthorpe, late of Somerset, Jerilderie, died, aged 100, in the local MPS, where he had been a resident for a few years. His wife Dorothy, and a son, David, pre-deceased him.
Mr Milthorpe is survived by two sons, Frank and Peter. His funeral was from St Stephen’s Anglican Church on Monday, March 10.
A small but enthusiastic audience was given a master class in flamenco last Saturday night, when Flamenco for Everybody, was performed at the Civic Hall Jerilderie, by members of the Annalouise Paul Dance Theatre. The small group of dancers, vocalist and instrumentalists, provided a foot-stamping, hand-clapping, hour and a half of colourful and rhythmic entertainment, after which the audience was invited to stay and meet the performers and ask questions.
Services NSW mobile service will be back in Jerilderie today Wednesday March 12, from 9am to 3pm, at Memorial Park.
Around 20 ladies from the Jerilderie Uniting, Catholic and Anglican churches attended the World Day of Prayer Service at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, last Friday.
The theme was ‘I Made You Wonderful’, with the program prepared by the Christian women of the Cook Islands. Father Frederik Le Mesurier gave an interesting and engaging address on the Cook Islands, which he hopes to visit one day.
The offering taken up during the service amounted to $314 and will be forwarded to the World Day of Prayer Committee.
After the service a delicious morning tea in the church hall was enjoyed.
A big cheerio from former parishioners and friends of the Reverend Val Elson, as she recovers from heart surgery. Rev Val, who was Jerilderie’s Anglican minister for 10 years, now lives in retirement in Geebung, Queensland, and is one of many caught up in Cyclone Alfred’s mood swings.
You may remember that back in August 2024 a plea went out to supply a friend for the lonely goat on Cucumber Island in Lake Jerilderie.
Much time has passed, but finally those in the know have risen to the occasion, and suddenly we have three extra goats shared among the two islands in the lake; not without a challenge, as they had to be taken over individually by boat, and off-loaded without harm to goat or man.
The incumbent goat resident on the smaller island was apparently not too happy about sharing space to begin with, but hopefully all differences have now been ironed out, and life goes on in peace and harmony.
The Jerilderie Fun Fair held recently was apparently a great success, with thanks going to those who worked tirelessly in preparing for the day, and providing the necessary people power to run the stalls and events. Thanks, too, to everyone who attended the fair to make all the hard work worthwhile.
Last week’s Just Jerilderie news got mixed up with the previous week’s news. Apologies to those scratching their heads trying to work things out. That’s what happens when you don’t double check dates before pressing send!