Lockington hosts a march from 8:45am on the Sunday, starting at the Foodworks store and heading north along Lockington Rd, right turn into Singer Rd then left turn into Hopetoun St, right turn into Barton St then right into Shakespeare Crt and halt and disperse in front of the Community Hall.
From 9am, a commemorative service will begin at the hall and will include time for wreath laying and refreshments.
The RSL will then move to Rochester, where a march will begin at 10.45am led by the Golden City Pipe band.
The march will begin in Mackay St, turn left into Gillies St, continue over the railway line along the Northern Hwy and turn right into Victoria St and end at the RSL Hall.
Anyone wishing to lay a wreath at either ceremony is urged to tell the RSL by Friday.
The RSL will also be selling Anzac badges outside Majors IGA in Rochester each day until April 24.
Elmore will have a dawn service from 6am at Railway Square before a gunfire breakfast.
They will then have a service at the Elmore Memorial Hall from 10am.
Colbinabbin will have a full service at 10.15am at the town's Shire Hall.
Nanneella, Corop, Bamawm and Ballendella will not have any events.