
White knight Conway back in the ‘fight’

Up for the fight: Peter Conway has returned from a European vacation to find a 2023-24 Campaspe Shire draft budget that, to him, offers the community less services than it did last year.


Peter Conway is an Echuca-based publisher, software developer and self-confessed “lateral thinker’’.

In recent years he has carefully followed the activity of the Campaspe Shire, both from a financial and service point of view.

He was a key figure in last year’s Policy 161 discussion (essentially the document dealing with the leasing of council-owned buildings to community groups) and now has a focus on the shire’s draft budget of 2023-24.

His assessment of the document was scathing.

“Campaspe Shire residents are almost six per cent worse off (for community spending from 2022-23) at a time when all of Australia is being asked (told) to stop spending and increase productivity,” he said.

“The numbers show a massive reduction of services to this community, for what looks like a splurge by council, mostly on government bureaucracy, leaving this community’s needs in a worse position.’’

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