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Pennant is expected to start on October 30 for mid-week and October 31 for weekend.
It is important to put your name on either list to show your availability.
There is a fortnightly bowls newsletter (as there are no booklets) which will be mailed to those with email with additional copies in the club foyer.
We are urgently in need of expressions of interest for selectors.
Bar duty is from 5pm to 6:30pm Monday to Thursday but the bar is also open on Fridays.
From Monday, September 28 to Thursday, October 1 P. Stack and G. Watkins are on duty.
And from October 5 it is A. Crilly and B. Major.
Please come and support the club.
Limits apply as per COVID-19 rules.
The club’s opening will be on Friday, October 2 at 4pm, everyone is welcome.
The club has decided to run men’s club based events as follows:
Sheets are up for B grade: Entries close at 6pm on October 21.
C grade: Entries close at 6pm on October 7.
21 up: Entries close at 6pm on November 25.
100 up: Entries close at 6pm on November 25.
Club Championship events: Entries close at 6pm on October 21.
It is $5 per entry and sheets were up from Monday, September 21.
Club rooms are opened by Darren Monday to Saturday.
The ladies will have social bowls at 10am again today and as of September 29.
Names must be in by 9.15am with players to be at the club by 9.45 for a 10am start.
At 1:00pm on Wednesday, September 30 the men will have a crossover pairs chicken run.
There will be two games of 10 ends with players to choose their own partners.
Names to Graham Willis on 0408 129 647 by 12pm.
On September 23, we had 12 pairs enjoying some great games in windy conditions.
This will continue until 60 and over starts.
60 and over will start on Wednesday, October 28 at 11am and will be triples at Echuca.
We will play a practice match at, and against White Hills on Sunday, October 25 and need to know players who are available.
On Friday mornings, the ladies will run a competition amongst themselves.
On Friday late afternoon, the men will play sponsored singles starting at 5pm (which will be a knockout tournament).
Players are asked to let Les know if they wish to play on 0438 843 381.
You need to be able to play each week or until knocked out.
On Saturdays from 1pm we will run Intra Club Pennant and need a minimum of 8 teams.
This will run until Pennant starts.
Games will be triples and teams may consist of any mix of gender.
We are hoping to hold bowls coaching classes for six consecutive weeks will commence on Thursday, September 17 at 10am and Sunday, September 20 at 1.30pm .
For those interested people please contact Marg Knight on 5484 3444 or 0438 843 444.
Stay tuned for further updates.
The time is nearing for the bowls to resume normal practice with the stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions being eased considerably.
That means more bowls, more bowlers and the strong possibility of the commencement of CVBD Pennant in the latter half of October 2020.
The dates are Friday, October 30 for mid-week pennant and Saturday, October 31 for weekend pennant.
Therefore, the club will be seeking names for playing pennant for this coming season.
The club has entered teams in division three and four for weekend pennant.
On the green, there has been little activity but several members have shown some keen pre-season form.
Last Wednesday bowlers played scrounge – two players per rink and club president Ray Hanson stormed home to defeat John van den Bosch with the very last bowl.
Van den Bosch was leading by five points on the final end before Hanson collected 8 points to two and won the game.
The Friday pairs attracted a few bowlers while the inclement weather deterred some bowlers from attending.
During the week, the women held their annual general meeting with several members attending.
Anne Lowrie was elected president for the forthcoming 2020-21 season.
Vice-president is Denise Gilmore with Joy Weller continuing in the role as secretary.
Treasurer is Pauline Humbert.
Outgoing president Kath Palmer was congratulated on her two year term at the helm and received strong applause from her fellow bowlers.
The club is grateful for the input from several members who have been instrumental in the work around the clubhouse.
The club received a grant from the local Bendigo Community Bank towards the installation of solar panels.
This work was carried out by Norlec Electrical – Jeremy Rorke.
The club wish to sincerely thank the Bendigo Community Bank and Norlec Electrical for their support.
Further work around the club has been the installation of a new ceiling under the verandah.
Bryan Kinnane and Ian Johnson plus several members have almost completed this task.
The club offered sincere condolences to hard working member Lorraine Appleby on the recent passing of her husband Brian Appleby.
Brian had been suffering ill health for some years.
Owing to the changes to the COVID-19 restrictions, the club welcome all bowlers to the Wednesday afternoon game of scrounge commencing at 1pm.
Names to be listed by 12.45pm.
Afternoon tea supplied.
On Friday at 1.00pm, a game of Haphazard Pairs will be held — all welcome.
Let the games begin.